Friday, September 23, 2011

How fast do you get abs in fitness training ?

I have been training in fitness centre from the last 2 months, and although there is already a change in my abs, I wanted to know how long it would take to get a kind of shape (not like a professionnal bodybuilder though).

Also now I have a job, and I cannot exercise daily. I wanted to know whether 3 times a week is acceptable for keeping the shape I have acquired.

Also if you know any abs-exercises, I would be very happy if you could tell me.

Thank you very much.|||it should take about 1 more month to see a shape if you work HARD. if you workout for the same then you just keep your abs the way they are now.

3 times a week is excellant!! keep it up|||Hi my friend,

A few months ago, I've tried a new approach on abs development I've read in a ebook that I've found on the net. (a free one). It's a very valuable book.

I've learned very interesting things working for me. The author tell us what are the exercises boosting body metabolism.

When stimulated efficiently, you'll see that it will burn your excess fat very fast (a few weeks). For me, it takes about six weeks.

On the same way, you'll have to practise special exercises (which are not sit-ups, crunches everybody knows) and believe me : it works! You'll have your own "washboard" very soon ;-)

You'll find the link to download at the bottom of this page

Hoping, it will be helpful as it was for me...

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