Tuesday, September 13, 2011


can someone help with how to get fit in the shorest space of time.i broke my leg and ended up losin fitness and puttin on wieght.can sumone help me lose the weight and get bak to wat i was!!!|||If you haven't worked with a physical therapists yet, you'll probably want to. You don't want to cause any further injury to your leg. Also, because of injuries, doesn't mean you can't work out, it just means you have to work around that injury until you build up strength. I would suggest brisk walks to build up your heart muscles and to test your leg. You'll be less likely to cause any injury if you take it easy in the beginning. Gradually add more intensity. Do some weight lifting. While doing standing weight lifts, be sure to keep your knees bent to support the back. Any running or jogging may be too much for your leg in the beginning, that's why I suggest visiting with a physical therapist. But as far as getting your fitness back, it probably won't take you too long, especially if you were fit before your broke your leg. Just hang in there and take it a day at a time. There may be days when your leg doesn't feel like a run. So work on weights those days. Listen to your body. Best of luck!

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